
Financial Advice

This article focuses on six life events that require your clients to review important planning issues. The busier we get the more we tend to put off the important things. Often the last subject we want to think about is our Will or other estate planning requirements. Living life always seems to get in the way! Sometimes that’s not our fault, especially if there has been a crisis or major change in our lives. The irony is that’s exactly when these issues should take a higher priority. If you or your family have recently (or not so recently) undergone a major life change, you need to update these important...

This third article in the 4-part series on superannuation through the generations calculates how much will be needed for retirement in 20 years, how to increase the balance, salary sacrifice vs paying off mortgage, government contributions, and insurance through super.     Typically your forties is a time of established careers, teenage kids and a mortgage that is no longer daunting. There are still plenty of demands on the budget, but by this age there’s a good chance there’s some spare cash that can be put to good use. As you pass the halfway mark of your working life, it’s time to give...